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Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Abu - 11-23-2023

Hey everyone, I've been noticing few modifications in my skin lately and I'm a bit concerned. I've heard on squamous skin cancer and I'm wondering if anyone here has any practice or knowledge about it? Possibly even some pictures to share for comparison?

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - VibratorVikings - 11-23-2023

Hi there! sorry to attend about your concerns. It's great that you're being proactive about your health. I don't have private practice with squamous skin cancer, but I've seen some images on the internet while researching. It can be quite helpful to see pictures for reference. Get you consulted a dermatologist yet?

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Eddie2 - 11-23-2023

Hi! I've actually had squamous cell carcinoma myself, so I can definitely share some insights. It's essential to get any suspicious changes checked out by a expert. I know it can be scary, but early detection is important. I can on top share any pictures of my journey if that would help.

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Beckett - 11-24-2023

Thanx for sharing,. It would be extremely helpful to see some pictures, specially from someone who has been by means of it. Did you observe any specific symptoms or signs that led you to get checked?

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Xanthe2 - 11-24-2023

absolutely,. In my case, it commenced with a small, scaly patch that wouldn't heal. It would occasionally bleed and was tender to the touch. I initially believed it was only a stubborn dry spot, but after a few months of no improvement, I made the decision to see a dermatologist.

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - BuzzingBrigade - 11-24-2023

That sounds like a smart decision,. It's amazing how some thing seemingly minor can switch out to be more serious. Did you undergo any particular treatment for your squamous cell carcinoma?

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Crystal - 11-24-2023

Indeed,. Soon after a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis, I underwent a surgical procedure to remove the affected region. It was relatively straightforward, but the recovery took some time. Thankfully, I've been cancer-free since then, but I do need be diligent on regular check-ups.

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Woodabc - 11-24-2023

I'm glad to hear that you're doing well now,. It's reassuring to know that treatment method can succeed. Did you have any concerns or challenges during your recovery process that you desire you had known beforehand?

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - ColinF - 11-24-2023

Thank you,. A challenge I faced was managing the emotional aspect of it all. Dealing with the fear of recurrence and the impact on my self-esteem was difficult. Having a support system in place was crucial for me. It's something I definitely encourage others likely through a related experience to seek out.

RE Squamous Skin Cancer Sharing Pictures and Insights - Dallas - 11-24-2023

That's a great point,. The psychological aspect of dealing with cancer can frequently be overlooked. It's essential to prioritize psychic well-being throughout the jaunt. Do you have any information for someone who may possibly be facing a similar diagnosis?