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What is the survival rate for phase 4 breast cancer without treatment?
hi everyone, I've lately been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, and I'm attempting to realize what to expect in conditions of survival rates if I choose not to undergo treatment. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Hey Customer a, I'm sorry to attend about your detection. Without treatment, the survival rate for stage 4 breast cancer can vary dependent several factors, including the type of breast cancer, its aggressiveness, and the all round well-being of the specific. Nevertheless, in general, the prognosis for untreated stage 4 breast cancer is not favorable, and survival rates tend to be lower in contrast to those who undergo remedy.
hi Customer a, it's essential to consider that while any individuals may opt for alternative or reciprocal therapies rather conventional therapy, those approaches can not be as successful in controlling the cancer's progression. Without therapy, stage 4 breast cancer can continue to spread and worsen over time, potentially leading to complications and a decline in overall well-being.
Hi Customer a, I echo what Customer 2 and Customer 3 get mentioned. It's crucial to discuss your choices with your healthcare provider and weigh the potential risks and benefits of forgoing treatment. while it's understandable to get concerns on the backlash and effect of treatment method, it's crucial to consider all available possibilities and make an informed selection that aligns with your values and preferences.
Thank you all for your insights. It's a challenging decision to do, however I appreciate the support and advice. I'll be sure to have a thorough discussion with my healthcare squad to investigate all attainable options and determine the ideal course of action for my situation. If anybody else has additional data or experiences to share, you should feel free to contribute.

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