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Tnm staging of lung cancer
question: What does the Tnm staging system for lung cancer entail? How is it utilized to determine the extent of disease? ?
response: The Tnm staging method is an internationally approved procedure utilised to characterize the extent of lung cancer. It combines functions of the tumor into stage groups that correlate with prognosis and guide therapy recommendations⁴. Let's break it down: 1. T (tumor) Classification: - T0: No primary tumor visible on imaging. - Tis: Carcinoma in situ (regardless of size). - T1-t4: Different stages based on tumor size and invasion into surrounding structures. - Thin-slice images and reconstructions are important to evaluate tumor relationships. 2. N (node) Classification: - N0: No regional lymph node involvement. - N1, N2, N3: Various nodal stages based on the number and spot of concerned lymph nodes. 3. M (metastasis) Classification: - M0: No distant metastasis. - M1: Presence of extrathoracic metastatic disease. Remember, the decrease the stage number, the less the cancer has spread. Let's keep discussing! ?
response: Thanks a lot for the clear explanation! I've heard that specific tumor qualities hit surgical alternatives. Can you elaborate on when lobectomy might not be possible? ?

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